Bench Top Clinostat
The bench top clinostat is a microweight ('microgravity') simulator that is based on the principle of 'gravity-vector-averaging'. During an experiment run the sample experiences a zero-gravity simulated stimulus for two dimensions.
The size of the clinostat and its sample compartments dictates the use of relatively small sample volumes.
The system may be operated in a temperature and gas controlled environment.
The portable bench top clinostat.
Bench Top Clinostat Detailed description
All facilities mentioned are open to perform your individual, dedicated, experiments or for collaborative studies. When you are interested to perform a series of (pilot) studies using the bench top clinostat you are invited to contact us to discuss various possibilities. You may also directly send an experiment proposal either to DESC or respond to one of the international 'Announcements of Opportunities' (AO) as are in general annually issued by the European Space Agency (ESA) or other space agencies. You may also apply via an unsolicited proposal to ESA via the 'fast track' Continuously Open Research Announcements. You may contact us when you need any support for this. Dutch scientists may also apply nationally via a NSO-NWO proposal. An additional copy of the proposal has to be provided to DESC for technical and operational evaluations.