Final List of Subscribers to the ISS Petition , June-July 2002

Reza Abbaschian Prof.dr. University of Florida USA
Loren Acton Prof.dr. Montana State University Physics Department Bozeman, MT 59717 USA
Nadiya Adamchuk Dr. Gravitation of biology Botany UKRAINE
Jeffrey Alberts Prof.dr. Indiana University, Bloomington USA
Joan Albiol Sala Dr. MELISSA Pilot Plant Dept. Enginyeria Químic SPAIN
Enrico Alleva Dr. Isituto Superiore di Sanità ITALY
Graca Almeida-Porada PhD. M.D. University of Nevada USA
sakir amiroudine Dr. ENSAM CER d'Angers FRANCE
Rizzo Angela Dr. Institute o General Physiology and Biochemis ITALY
Ralf Anken Dr. Zoological Institute, University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Garbenstr. 30, D-70593 Stuttgart, Germany GERMANY
Hermann Josef ANTON Prof.dr. Zoological Institute, University of Cologne, D,50923 Cologne,Germany GERMANY
Sara Arnaud Dr. NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035 USA
Giovanna Aronne Prof.dr. University of Naples "Federico II" ITALY
Yoriko ATOMI Prof.dr. The University of Tokyo, Dept. of Life Science JAPAN
André Aubert Prof.dr. K.U.Leuven Belgium BELGIUM
Sergey Avdeev Dr. Cosmonaut RUSSIA
Shoji A. Baba Dr. Department of Biology Ochanomizu University JAPAN
Rommel G. Bacabac M.Sc. ACTA - Vrije Universiteit Dept Oral Cell Bi NETHERLANDS
Michael Banish Prof.dr. Center for Materials Research Univeristy of Alabama in Huntsville Huntsville, Alabama 35899 USA
bruny baret PhD. M.D. in2p3 FRANCE
Leonhardt Andreas Jan Baron von Richter M.Sc. Kayser-Threde GmbH Business Development Space Utilization Wolfratshauser Str. 48, 81379 Munich, Germany Phone GERMANY
Christoph Bartscher Dr. Kayser-Threde GmbH GERMANY
Giuseppe Baselli M.Sc. Department of Bioengineering, Polytechnical University of Milan ITALY
Fabrizio Battazza Dr. ESA ITALY
Patrick Beatty M.Sc. UC Berkeley USA
Luis E.J. Beck M.D. German Aerospace Centre Institute of Aerospace Medicine Space Physiology Branch GERMANY
Christoph Beckermann Prof.dr. Department of Mechanical Engineering 2412 SC University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 USA
Frank Beckers Dr. KU Leuven BELGIUM
Scott Bell Mr. None . . . merely an informed and engaged citizen. USA
Daniel D. Ben Dayan Rubin Dr. BioEngineering Dept. politecnico di Milano ITALY
Andre benard Dr. Michigan State University USA
Roel Benthem Mr. National Aerospace Laboratory, NLR NETHERLANDS
Klaus-Werner Benz Prof.dr. Freiburg Materials Research Center,FMF University of Freiburg D-79108 Freiburg GERMANY
jeff bernardine Dr. Wyle Life Sciences USA
Robert Bernatchez Mr. Concerned Citizen USA
Jacques BERT Prof.dr. Dpt Physique des Materiaux Universite Lyon 1 43 Bd 11 Novembre 1918 69622 VILLEURBANNE CEDEX FRANCE
Dirk-Jan Bervoets Mr. ACTA-VU Oral Cell Biology NETHERLANDS
Cristina Bescos Ms. Grupo de Bioingenieria y Telemedicina Universidad Politecnica de Madrid SPAIN
Daniel Beysens Dr. CEA-ESEME FRANCE
Amitava Bhattacharjee Prof.dr. Department of Physics and Astronomy The University of Iowa Iowa city, IA 52242 USA
Bernard BILLIA Dr. Laboratoire Matériaux et Microélectronique d FRANCE
Tiziano BINZONI Prof.dr. Depts. of Physiology and Radiology, CMU, 1, r. Michel-Servet 1211 GENEVA 4 SWITZERLAND
Gianni Biolo Prof.dr. University of Trieste ITALY
Franklin O. Black M.D. Legacy Clinical Research & Technology Center Portland, Oregon 97208 USA
stephane blanc Dr. department of nutrition university of wisconsin Madison USA
Elison Blancaflor Dr. Plant Biology Division The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Ardmore, OK 73401, USA USA
Ingrid Block Dr. German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Aerospace Medicine Dept. of Space Physiology 51170 Cologne GERMANY
Hans-Joachim Blome Prof.dr. AeroSpace Department University of Applied Sciences Hohenstaufenallee 6 D-52064 Aachen GERMANY
Dieter Blottner Prof.dr. Dept.of Anatomy, Neurobiology Group, Center for Space Medicine Berlin, Free University of Berlin, Königin-Luise-Strasse 15, D-14195-Berlin GERMANY
Volker Bluem Prof.dr. Ruhr-University of Bochum Faculty of Biology Comp. Endocrinol. Res. Section Universitaetsstr.150 D-44780 Bochum GERMANY
Jürgen Blum Dr. Astrophysical Institute University of Jena Schillergässchen 2 07745 Jena GERMANY
Otmar Bock Prof.dr. German Sport University Department of Physiology GERMANY
Sybille Boeser B.Sc. University of Ulm GERMANY
Roberta Bondar PhD. M.D. Roberta Bondar Astronaut Enterprise Roberta Bondar Photography CANADA
Sjoerd L. Bonting Prof.dr. Univ. of Nijmegen NETHERLANDS
Patrick BONTOUX Dr. Lab. Modélisation et Simulation Numérique en Mécanique,Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Universités d'Aix-Marseille, IMT Château-Gombert, 38 rue Frederic Joliot-Curie, 13451 Marseille Cedex 20 FRANCE
April Boody M.Sc. Flight Experiments Program, Bionetics Corporation, Kennedy Space Center USA
Johannes Boonstra Prof.dr. University Utrecht NETHERLANDS
Reinhard Born Dr. Astrium GmbH GERMANY
Chiara Boschetti Dr. Univ. of Milano Dept. of Biology ITALY
Markus Braun Dr. Botanisches Institut, Universität Bonn GERMANY
Wolfgang, H.D. Briegleb Dr. private GERMANY
A. Otto Brockmeyer Mr. Brockmeyer Space Engineering BRAZIL
Antonius LJJ Bronckers Dr. Dept Oral Cell Biology, Academic Centre of Dentistry in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS
Chris Brown Dr. Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology & Science North Carolina State University USA
C. Titus Brown Mr. California Institute of Technology USA
Michael Burns Dr. Revise, Inc. USA
Jill Bush Dr. University of Houston Dept of Health and Human Performance, 104Q Garrison Gym, Houston TX USA
Ronald Byrnes Mr. SHOT USA
Enrico Caiani Dr. Politecnico di Milano, Biomedical Engineering Department ITALY
Guy Caldwell Dr. The University of Alabama USA
Stallard Cam Ms. Former SHOT, Inc. employee USA
Anne-Lise CAMUS Mrs. CNES Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales FRANCE
Ranieri Cancedda Prof.dr. Centro Biotecnologie Avanzate ITALY
Manuela Caprioli Dr. Univ. of Milano Dept. of Biology ITALY
David Cardus Dr. Baylor College of Medicine USA
Torbjörn Carlberg Prof.dr. Dept. of Engineering, physics and mathematics Mid Sweden University 851 70 Sundsvall SWEDEN
Geert Carmeliet Prof.dr. Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Endocrinology K.University Leuven BELGIUM
Luigi Carotenuto PhD. M.D. MARS Center ITALY
Scott Carpenter Dr. NASA Astronaut USA
Christopher Carr M.Sc. MIT Man-Vehicle Laboratory USA
dario castagnolo Dr. MARS Center ITALY
Jean-Christophe CEJKA PhD. M.D. Laboratoire de physiologie de l'environnement FRANCE
Robert Cenker Mr. Self Employed, Aerospace Systems Consultant USA
Sylvie Centis-Aubay Dr. Pole de biologie vegetale Castanet-Tolosan UMR 5546 CNRS-UPS, Toulouse FRANCE
Carmelo Federico CESARONE Prof.dr. Dept of Physiology Biochemistry and Cell Science - University of Sassari Advanced Biotechnology Center - CBA - CINRO - University of Genoa ITALY
nicolas champaud Mr. French national library FRANCE
Alexander Chernov Prof.dr. Universities space Research Association (USRA), 4950 Corporatr Drive, Ste 100, Huntsville, AL, 35805 USA
Inho Choi Dr. Department of Life Science Yonsei University Wonju, Gangwon-Do SOUTH KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
YILDIRIM CINAR Prof.dr. Director of Medical Department Faculty of medicine Univesity of Abant Izzet Baysal Duzce, Konuralp, 81000, Turkey TURKEY
Mark Clarke Dr. University of Houston Department of Health and Human Performance Garrison Rm 104D Houston Texas USA
Mostardini Claudio Dr. Department of Neurological Science V Chair of Neurological Science University of Rome "La Sapìenza" ITALY
Robert Cleland Dr. University of Washington, Department of Botany USA
Augusto Cogoli Dr. ETH Zurich Swiss Federal Inst. of Technol. SWITZERLAND
Marianne Cogoli-Greuter Dr. Space Biology Group Swiss Federal Inst. of SWITZERLAND
Bernard Cohen M.D. Department of Neurology Mount Sinai School of Medicine 1 East 100th Street, New York, NY 10029 USA
Dan Connor Mr. Flight Integration and Operations Manager for UAB's Center for Biophysical Science and Engineering, a NASA Commercial Space Center USA
Elizabeth Cordyum Prof.dr. Institute of botany, Kyiv UKRAINE
Manning Correia Prof.dr. Robison Professor of Otolaryngology, Physiology and Biophysics and Anatomy and Neuroscience, University of Texas Medical School USA
Melanie Correll Dr. Miami University, Oxford OH USA
Barbara Cozzoni M.Sc. European Space Agency ITALY
Thomas Crabb M.Sc. Orbital Technologies Corporation USA
Arne Croell Prof.dr. University of Freiberg GERMANY
walter Cunningham Mr. Former Astronaut, Apollo 7 USA
Jonathan Dantzig Prof.dr. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engg University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign USA
Ron Davidson Mr. Guigne Space System Inc USA
Rolf Peter de Groot Dr. Space Research Organization Netherlands (SRON) NETHERLANDS
Arnold de Haan Prof.dr. Institute for Fundamental and Clinical Human NETHERLANDS
Veronica De Micco Dr. University of Naples "Federico II" ITALY
Natale De Santo Prof.dr. Chair of Nephrology second University of Naples ITALY
Paolo Degan M.Sc. National Cancer Research Institute, Genova ITALY
Willem DeGrip Prof.dr. University of Nijmegen Medical School, Dept. Biochemistry, UMC-160, Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences, NETHERLANDS
Ad Delil M.Sc. National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, Space Division NETHERLANDS
Pasquale Dell'Aversana Dr. MARS (Microgravity Advanced Research and Support) Center ITALY
Michael Delp Dr. Texas A&M University USA
Dominique Desplanches Dr. UMR CNRS 5123 Laboratory of Physiology Faculty of Medicine 8 Avenue Rockefeller 69373 Lyon Cédex 08 France FRANCE
J. David Dickman Dr. Central Institute for the Deaf Washington University School of Medicine USA
Darrell Dixon Mr. Morgan Research Corp. USA
Kate Doolan Ms. Spaceflight Writer/Analyst AUSTRALIA
Christian DOURNON Prof.dr. Henri Poincare University Faculty of Sciences EA 3442 Genetic, Signaling, Differentiation Laboratory of experimental biology and immunology FRANCE
Edward Dreizin Dr. New Jersey Institute of Technology USA
Michael Dreyer Dr. Center for applied space technology and micr GERMANY
Dominique Driss-Ecole Dr. Université P. et M. Curie, Labo CEMV, Bât.N2 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE
Jackie Duke Dr. University of Texas Dental Branch Orthodont USA
Robert Duncan Dr. University of New Mexico, and Caltech USA
Olivier Dupont Dr. Université Libre de Bruxelles Microgravity BELGIUM
Samuel Durrance Dr. Florida Space Research Institute USA
Fir Eckhard Mr. Stork Product Engineering B.V. P.O.Box 379 NETHERLANDS
Richard Edelmann Dr. Electron Microscopy Facility Miami University Oxford, OH 45056 USA USA
Ivan Egry Prof.dr. German Aerospace Center, DLR GERMANY
Pascale Ehrenfreund Prof.dr. Leiden Observatory PO Box 9513 2300 RA Leiden NETHERLANDS
Mohammed EL GANAOUI Dr. University FRANCE
Samy El-Shall Prof.dr. Virginia Commonwealth University USA
Ralph Engelhardt M.Sc. European Space Agency NETHERLANDS
Dieter Essfeld Prof.dr. German Sport University Department of Physiology GERMANY
Peter Everett Mr. Guigne International,Program Manager Space DRUMS CANADA
Gabriel FAIVRE Dr. CNRS, France FRANCE
Erin Farbar Ms. Carleton University Aerospace GEDEX Inc, Mississauga CANADA
Hans J. FECHT Prof.dr. University of Ulm Materials Division Center of Excellence Micro and Nanomaterials Albert-Einstein-Allee 47 D-89081 Ulm Tel.: +49 (0)731 502-5490 Fax: +49 (0)731 502-5488 GERMANY
Robert Feigelson Prof.dr. Stanford University USA
Dieter Felsenberg Prof.dr. University Hospital Benjamin Franklin, Free University Berlin GERMANY
Peter Ferdinandy PhD. M.D. Cardiovascular Research Group Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine University of Szeged, H-6720 Szeged, Dom ter 9, Hungary tel (lab): +36 62 545755 tel (secretary): +36 62 545096 cellular: +36 30 9251498 fax: (secretary)+36 62 545097 fax: (private): +36 30 9182755 web: HUNGARY
Cesar Fermin Dr. Tulane Medical School Dept. of Pathol & Lab Medicine New Orleans, La 70112 USA
Salvador M. Fernandez Dr. Ciencia, Inc. 111 Roberts Street Suite K East Hartford, CT 06108 USA
Martin Fettman Dr. Colorado State University USA
Janelle Fine B.Sc. University of California, San Diego Department of Medicine, Division of Physiology USA
Anthony Fiory M.Sc. Boeing USA
Michael Fiske Mr. Morgan Research Corporation USA
Timothy Floyd Dr. Dept Orthopaedic Surgery The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine USA
Susanne Foerster Dr. University of Ulm, Gravitational Physiology, Albert Eintein Allee 11, 89081 Ulm GERMANY
Diego Fontaneto Dr. University of Milan, Department of Biology ITALY
Raimondo Fortezza Dr. MARS Center ITALY
Fabio Francini Prof.dr. Department of Physiological Sciences, University of Florence ITALY
Helen Jane Fraser Dr. Leiden University NETHERLANDS
Peter Fraser Dr. Aberdeen UNiversity, Zoology Department, Tillydrone Avenue, Aberdeen. Scotland, UK. AB24 2TZ UNITED KINGDOM
Jochen Friedrich Dr. Crystal Growth Laboratory Fraunhofer Institute IISB Schottkystr. 10 D-91058 Erlangen GERMANY
Ludo Froyen Prof.dr. Department MTM KULeuven BELGIUM
Charles Fuller Dr. University of California, Davis USA
Yoshinori Furukawa Prof.dr. Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University JAPAN
F. Andrew Gaffney Dr. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Nashville, TN USA
Grazia Galleri Dr. Department of Physiological, Biochemical and Cellular Sciece ITALY
Thomas E. Gamble Dr. Brevard Community College USA
Robert Gammon Prof.dr. Inst. for Physical Sci. & Tech. University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 USA
Stephen Garoff Dr. Carnegie Mellon University USA
Gilbert GASSET Dr. GSBMS/ups/Toulouse FRANCE
Marsha Geiger Mrs. Uniter Methodist Church USA
Rupert Gerzer Prof.dr. Head, Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Ger GERMANY
Claude GHARIB Prof.dr. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Laboratoire de Physiologie de l'Environnement 8 Avenue Rockefeller 69373 Lyon cedex 08 FRANCE FRANCE
Bruti Gianluca Dr. Department of Neurological Science V Chair of Neurological Science University of Rome "La Sapìenza" ITALY
Edward Gibson Dr. SAIC USA
Rodney Ginter B.Sc. Indiana University USA
Spera Giovanni Prof.dr. Dipt. of Medical Phisiopathology Universty La Sapienza ROME ITALY
Martin Glicksman Prof.dr. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Materials Science & Engineering Dept. USA
Millicent Goldschmidt Prof.dr. The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Dental Brach, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Dept. Lab Medicine at M.D.Andersen Cancer Center USA
Katsumasa Goto Dr. Department of Physiology, St. Marianna University School of Medicine JAPAN
Wolfgang Gowin PhD. M.D. Center of Muscle and Bone Research Dept. of Radiology Univ.-Hospital Benjamin Franklin Free University Berlin GERMANY
Walter Grassi Prof.dr. LOTHAR (Low gravity and thermal advanced research laboratory) Dipartimento di Energetica Università di Pisa ITALY
Charles A. Green Dr.   USA
Daniela-Gabriele Grimm Dr. Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Freie Universität Berlin GERMANY
Ellen Grund M.Sc. University of California, San Francisco USA
Lydie Gualandris-Parisot Dr. Centre de Biologie du Developpement UMR 5547 CNRS/UNIV.PAUL SABATIER affilié INSERM Batiment 4R3 118, route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse cedex FRANCE
Michael Gutschmidt Mr. G. Osdorf (High School) GERMANY
Justin Arthur Tressillian Halls Mr. Brunel Institute for Bioengineering Brunel University Uxbridge UB8 3PH UNITED KINGDOM
Roger Hangarter Dr. Indiana University Department of Biology Bloomington, IN 47405 USA
Alva Hardy Mr. NASA - Retired USA
Andrew Harmsworth M.Sc. Engineering Compane CANADA
Brian Hashemi Dr. Principal Investigator, NASA JSC Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine USA
Jason Hatton Dr. University of California San Francisco (UCSF USA
Martina Heer Dr. DLR-Insitute of Aerospace Medicine Space Physiology 51170 Köln GERMANY
John Hegseth Prof.dr. Department of Physics University of New Orelans USA
Dieter Herlach Prof.dr. German Aerospace Agency and Ruhr-University Bochum GERMANY
Susan Hessler Ms. Morgan Research Corporation USA
James Hillhouse M.Sc. nWerx USA
Helmut G. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY Prof.dr. University of Graz, and Austrian Society fo AUSTRIA
Michael Hitchcock Mr. Formerly affiliated with Space Hardware Optimization Technology Inc. in Greenville Indiana USA
Uwe Hoffmann Dr. German Sport University Dept. for Exercise Physiology GERMANY
Hironori HONDOH Mr. Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan JAPAN
Deirdre Horan Dr. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory IRELAND
Eberhard Horn Prof.dr. University of Ulm Gravitational Physiology, Department of Neurobiology Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, 89081 Ulm GERMANY
Gerda Horneck Dr. DLR, Institute of Aerospace Medicine, D-51147 Koeln GERMANY
Takayuki Hoson Prof.dr. Osaka City University JAPAN
Kevin Howard B.Sc. NASA, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA USA
Richard W. Howard M.Sc. Teledyne Brown Engineering /Marshall Space Flight Center USA
M Hughes-Fulford Dr. UCSF,VAMC, NCIRE USA
Richard Hull Dr. Hull Consulting, Inc USA
David Husson Dr. Centre de Biologie du Développement UMR5547 CNRS/UPS TOULOUSE FRANCE
MITUO IKENAGA Prof.dr. 1.Kansai Kaidai University, Department of General Education 2.Emeritus Professor of Kyoto University JAPAN
Nobuyuki Imaishi Prof.dr. Institute of Advanced Material Study Kyushu University JAPAN
Maria Ionica Dr. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare ITALY
Krassimira Ivanova Dr. Institute of Aerospace Medicine German Aerospace Center (DLR) 51140 Cologne GERMANY
Tor-Henning Iversen Prof.dr. The Plant Biocentre, Department of Botany, NORWAY
Jason Jackowski B.Sc. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics USA
Kenneth Jackson Mr. SPACEHAB, Inc. USA
Leon Janssen Prof.dr. Department of Chemical Engineering University of Groningen NETHERLANDS
Morell Javier Dr. Indiana University USA
Alden Jenkins Mr. Concerned citizen USA
Bruce Jenks Dr. University of Nijmegen NETHERLANDS
Mace Jennings Mr. Flight Operations Controller USA
J. Milburn Jessup Dr. Georgetown University USA
Jonathan Jiang Dr. Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institude of technology USA
Hanjoong Jo Dr. Georgia Tech and Emory University USA
Barbara Johnson-Wint Dr. Department of Biological Sciences Northern Illinois University USA
Linda Jones Mrs. Private Citizen USA
Steen Eiler Jorgensen B.Sc. Danish Space Research Institute DENMARK
Pierre JOULAIN Dr. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Laboratoire de Combustion et Détonique FRANCE
Ali Kakavand Dr. Lockheed Martin/ NASA Ames USA
KOICHI KAKIMOTO Prof.dr. RIAM, Kyushu University, 6-1, Kasuga-Koen, Kasuga, 816-8580 JAPAN
TSUTOMU KANEKO Prof.dr. Dept. Appl. Phys., Science University of Tokyo JAPAN
Thodoris Karapantsios Dr. Dept Of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Univ. Box 116, 541 24 Thessaloniki GREECE
Akihiko Kashiwagi Prof.dr. Institute for Amphibian Biology, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University JAPAN
Takashi Kashiwagi Dr. National Institute of Standards and Technology USA
YASUAKI KAWAI Prof.dr. Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University JAPAN
David Kennedy B.Sc. Space Hardware Optimization Technology (SHOT), Inc. USA
John Kessler Dr. Dept of Physics University of Arizona Tucson,AZ USA
J. Killebrew Ms. Microgravity Payload Element Developer Team USA
Jungho Kim Dr. University of Maryland Dept. of Mechanical Engineering College Park, MD 20742 USA
Hideo KIMURA Dr. National Institute for Materials Science JAPAN
Uta Kirschnick Ms. FSU-Jena; Institut für Allgemeine Zoologie und Tierphysiologie; Erbertstraße 1; D-07743 Jena GERMANY
Naoki Kishimoto Dr. National Institute for Materials Science JAPAN
John Kiss Prof.dr. Department of Botany Miami University Oxford, OH 45056 USA USA
Bernd-Michael Kleber Prof.dr. School of Dentistry, Humboldt-University Berlin GERMANY
Jenneke Klein-Nulend Dr. ACTA-Vrije Universiteit Department of Oral NETHERLANDS
Erk Klopp M.Sc. Philipps-University Marburg Department of Semiconductor Physics GERMANY
Shigeo Kodama M.Sc. Fujitsu Laboratories Limited JAPAN
Matthias Kolbe Dr. Institute of Space Simulation DLR GERMANY
Hiroshi Komatsu Prof.dr. Iwate Prefectural University JAPAN
Victor Kozlov Dr. Head of Hydrodynamic Stability Laboratory, Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, RAS Acad. Koroleva, 1, Perm, 614013, Russia Phone: +7-3422-39-13-65, Fax: +7-3422-33-69-57 RUSSIA
Oleg Kozyrev Dr. Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University RUSSIA
Alwin Kraeger M.Sc. Delft University of Technology Faculty of Aerospace Engineering NETHERLANDS
Jutta Kraemer M.D. R&D liferscience in microgravety NETHERLANDS
Jace Krieger Mr. Shot USA
Jason Kring M.Sc. Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments USA
Isao Kudo Prof.dr. Faculty of Engineering,Hokkaido University JAPAN
Hendrik Kuhlmann Dr. ZARM - University of Bremen GERMANY
Yasuhiro Kumei Dr. Tokyo Medical and Dental University JAPAN
Juergen Kurths Prof.dr. University of Potsdam Center for Dynamics of Complex Systems GERMANY
Kinoshita Kyoichi Dr. National Space Development Agency of Japan JAPAN
Jeffrey LaCombe Dr. University of Nevada, Reno Metallurgical and Materials Engineering NASA Microgravity Experiment Projects: IDGE, RIDGE, and TDSE USA
Charles Lambert Dr. Lab.Connective Tissues Biology University of Liège BELGIUM
Francisco Lameira M.Sc. PT Prime PORTUGAL
John Lane Dr. Dynacs, Inc USA
Martin Philip Lansberg Dr. retired NETHERLANDS
David Lantrip Dr. Intelligent Results, Inc. USA
Charles M. Lapière PhD. M.D. University of Liège Laboratory of Connective Tissues Biology BELGIUM
Maria Stella LAVITOLA Dr. ALENIA SPAZIO S.p.A. Market and Strategy Directorate Development of new enterprises ITALY
Raven LeCair Mr. The University of California, Berkeley Spac USA
Jean Claude LEGROS Prof.dr. Microgravity Research Centre Université Lib BELGIUM
christopher letch Mr. none UNITED KINGDOM
Howard Levine Dr. Gravitational Biology Laboratory Mail Code DYN-3 Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899 USA
Marian Lewis Dr. University of Alabama in Huntsville USA
Marian Lewis Dr. ASGSB (Immediate past President) USA
Jennifer Lewter B.Sc. American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology (ASGSB) USA
Chai-Fei Li Ms. NCIRE USA
Byron Lichtenberg Dr. Zero Gravity Corp USA
Sherryl Lifer M.Sc. STAR Enterprises, Inc. USA
LIBERO LIGGIERI Dr. Institute for Enetegetics and Interphases National Research Council ITALY
Dag Linnarsson Prof.dr. Department of physiology and pharmacology Karolinska Institutet SE_17177 Stockholm, Sweden SWEDEN
Gregory Linteris Dr. National Institute of Standards and Technology USA
Mark Lipshits PhD. M.D. Institute for Information Transmission problems, Lab. Neurobiology of motor control, RUSSIA
Nester Logan Mr. SHOT, Inc. USA
Georg Lohoefer Dr. German Aerospace Center GERMANY
Terri Lomax Prof.dr. Oregon State University USA
Andreas Ludwig Dr. Foundry Institute, Technical University Aachen GERMANY
Anna Lysakowski Prof.dr. Dept. of Anatomy and Cell Biology University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, IL 60612 USA
Jin MA Dr. Department Of Pharmacology University of California, Irvine USA
Mauro Maccarrone Dr. Department of Experimental Medicine & Biochemical Sciences, and Biomedical Space Center, University of Rome Tor Vergata Via Montpellier 1, I-00133 Rome ITALY
jules magda Dr. Dept. Chemical & Fuels Engineering, University of Utah USA
Richard Mains M.Sc. Mains Associates, Inc. USA
philippe mairet M.Sc. AAAF FRANCE
Roberto Marco Prof.dr. Departamento de Bioquímica UAM Inst. Inv. Biomédicas UAM-CSIC Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid SPAIN
Hans-Jürg MARTHY Dr. CNRS (UMR 7628) Observatoire Oceanologique 66650 Banyuls sur mer FRANCE
Daniel Martinez Dr. Connective Tissue Physiology Laboratory, Department of Biology & Biochemistry, University of Houston USA
Larry Mason Mr. Lockheed Martin Astronautics USA
Yoshiki Matsuura Prof.dr. Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 JAPAN
Richard Maurer Dr. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Laurel, MD USA
Iijima Mayumi Dr. Asahi University School of Dentistry JAPAN
Bruce II McCandless Mr. Astronaut (STS 41-B, STS-31); Chief Scientist, RSTS Product Area, Lockheed Martin Astronautics Operations USA
Robert McKenzie Dr. American Pharmaceutical Association USA
Tamara McNealy M.Sc. University Hospital, University of Heidelberg GERMANY
Alexander McPherson Dr. Dept Molecular Biology and Biochemistry University of California , Irvine USA
Amanda McRae Ms. none UNITED KINGDOM
Francisco Javier Medina Dr. Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC), SPAIN
Igor B. Mekjavic Prof.dr. Department of Automation, Biocybernetics and Robotics Institute Jozef Stefan SLOVENIA
Giulio MELONE Prof.dr. State University of Milan ITALY
Mauro Menichelli Dr. INFN Perugia ITALY
Daniel Merfeld Dr. Dept. of Otolaryngology; Harvard Medical School USA
George Metz Mr. SHOT USA
Pierre-François Migeotte M.Sc. Université Libre de Bruxelles, Biomedical Physics Laboratory, route de Lennik, 808, CP613/3 BELGIUM
Fernando Migliaccio Dr. Institute of Plant Biochemistry and Ecophysiology ITALY
Alexandru Mihul Prof.dr. Bucarest University ROMANIA
Mark Miller Dr. University of Vermont USA
satoru Miyashita Dr. Toyama medical and pharmaceutical university JAPAN
Yoshihiro Mogami Prof.dr. Department of Biology, Ochanomizu University JAPAN
Monica Monici Dr. Consorzio CEO - Center of Excellence in Optronics ITALY
Timothy Monk Dr. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center USA
ROBERTO MONTANARI Prof.dr. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica Università di Roma-Tor Vergata ITALY
Stéphanie Montmerle M.D. PhD student, Karolinska Institutet Department of Physiology and Pharmacology Section of Environmental Physiology SWEDEN
Massimo Morè Dr. I.N.R.C.A. - Italian National Research Centers on Aging - Via Cassia 1167 - Roma ITALY
Matteo Moretti M.Sc. Politecnico di Milano Bioengineering Dept. ITALY
Shigeo Mori PhD. M.D. Space Medicine Research Center, Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University JAPAN
Maureen Morrow Dr. SUNY New Paltz USA
Robert Morrow Dr. Orbital Technologies Corporation 1212 Fourier Drive Madison, WI 53717 USA
Desmond Mortley Dr. Center for Food and Environmental Systems for Human Exploration of Space, Tuskegee University. USA
Chiaki Mukai PhD. M.D. NASDA(National Space Developement Agency of Japan) JAPAN
Bob Mulder Prof.dr. Delft University of Technology Faculty of A NETHERLANDS
Edwin Mulder M.Sc. University Medical Center Nijmegen, department of clinical neurophysiology NETHERLANDS
AKIRA MURAKAMI Prof.dr. Dpartment of Biology Hamamatsu University School of Medicine JAPAN
Shunji Nagaoka Prof.dr. Department of Gravitational Physiology Fujita Health University School of Health Sciences JAPAN
Hirohiko Nakamura Dr. Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. JAPAN
TERUKO NAKAMURA Prof.dr. Japan Women's University, Faculty of Science JAPAN
Robert Naumann Prof.dr. University of Alabama in Huntsville USA
Takeshi Nikawa PhD. M.D. Department of Nutrition, School of Medicine, The University of Tokushima JAPAN
Vadim Nikolayev Dr. French Commission of Artomic Energy at Greno FRANCE
Shin-ichi NISHIZAWA Dr. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology JAPAN
Betty Nusgens Dr. University of Liège Laboratory of Connective Tissues Biology BELGIUM
Janis O'Donnell Dr. University of Alabama USA
Masaaki OGIHARA Dr. Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. Industrial Machinery Dept. JAPAN
Tadashi Ohachi Prof.dr. Department of Electrical ENigennering Doshisha University JAPAN
Yoshinobu Ohira Dr. Osaka University JAPAN
Haruhiko Ohta Prof.dr. Kyushu University Dept. Aeronautics and Astronautics JAPAN
MAKOTO OKUNO PhD. M.D. Dept. Life Sci., Grad. Sch. Arts & Sci., Univ. Tokyo, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan JAPAN
Charles Oman Dr. MIT Man Vehicle Laboratory USA
Pablo Esteban Pablo Mr. ESA NETHERLANDS
Manuel Paiva Prof.dr. Biomedical Physics Laboratory Université Libre de Bruxelles BELGIUM
Alejandro Palacios Robles M.Sc. ESA SPAIN
George Pantalos Dr. University of Louisville Department of Surgery Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery USA
Masood Parang Dr. University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN USA
Joe Parrish Mr. President Payload Systems Inc. Cambridge, MA USA
Michele Pauluzzi Prof.dr. Physics Department - University of Perugia INFN - Perugia Section ITALY
Alessandra Pedrocchi Dr. Dept. Bioengineering Politecnico of Milan Bioengineering Centre Politecnico of Milan & Fnd. Don Carlo Gnocchi IRCCS ONLUS ITALY
Maikel Peppelenbosch Dr. Laboratory for Experimental Internal Medicin NETHERLANDS
Gerald PERBAL Prof.dr. Universite Pierre et Marie Curie Bat N2, 4, FRANCE
Barrie Peters Mr. Morgan Research Corporation USA
Daniele Piazza Dr. Doctor Dany Lightweight Im Baurenacker CH Urdorf- SWITZERLAND
Heidi Platt B.Sc. Space Hardware Optimization Technology (SHOT), Inc. USA
Karen Plaut Dr. University of Vermont USA
John Pojman Prof.dr. University of Southern Mississippi USA
Giulio POLETTI Prof.dr. Istituto Fisiologia Generale e Chimica Biologica Universita' di Milano Via Trentacoste 2 20134 Milasno Italia ITALY
B.W. Poovaiah Dr. Washington State University USA
Antonina Popova Dr. Space botany, Space biology, Plant of embryology UKRAINE
G. Kim Prisk Dr. Department of Medicine, 0931 University of California, San Diego USA
Sandra Prow Ms. Cerner corporation, former employee of Wyle USA
ROGER PRUD'HOMME Dr. LMM/CNRS/Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris FRANCE
Vladislav Pukhnachov Prof.dr. Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Head of Department; Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences RUSSIA
Ralph Purdy Dr. Department of Pharmacology College of Medicine University of California, Irvine Irvine, California, 92697-4625 USA
Gennady F. Putin Prof.dr. Head of Department of General Physics, Perm State University. RUSSIA
Barry Pyle Dr. Montana State University Microbiology Depar USA
Elke Rabbow Dr. RWTH Aachen Aerospace Medicine GERMANY
Gianfranco RAIMONDI Dr. Biomedicine Space Centre - University of Roma "Tor Vergata" ITALY
Daniel Rappolee Dr. Wayne State University Medical School Ob/Gyn department CS Mott Center for Human Growth and Development USA
Isabelle RASPO Dr. Laboratoire de Modélisation et Simulation Numérique en Mécanique, FRE 2405 CNRS, Marseille FRANCE
Lorenz Ratke Prof.dr. Institute of Space Simulation GERMANY
Eva Ray Dr. Steg, Ray & Associates USA
Jacqueline RAYMOND Dr. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique FRANCE
Tjandrawinata Raymond Dr. Dexa Medica INDONESIA
Liya Regel Prof.dr. Clarkson University USA
Michael Reiter Mr. competenccenter nanoanlytic Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München GERMANY
Stephan Rex Dr. ACCESS e.V.-Materials&Processes GERMANY
Graves Rex Mr. . USA
claudia ricci Prof.dr. State University of Milan Department of Biology ITALY
Joachim E.L. Richter Prof.dr. RWTH Aachen Institut für Physikalische Chemie Templergraben 59 D - 52056 Aachen GERMANY
Giuseppe Riondino Prof.dr. I.N.R.C.A. - Italian National Research Centers on Aging - Via Cassia 1167 - Rome ITALY
Joern Rittweger Dr. Institute of Physiology Free University of Berlin GERMANY
Edward Robinson Dr. Section of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior University of California, Davis USA
Audrey Robinson-Seurig Ms. Scientific Consultant Kayser-Threde GmbH GERMANY
Hans Roefs Dr. National Aerospace Laboratory NLR Amsterdam NETHERLANDS
Andreas Roessler Dr. Institute of Physiology KF-University Graz AUSTRIA
Gregory Rohrer Prof.dr. Carnegie Mellon University USA
Jerome D. Rosenberg Mr. Private Citizen USA
Eric Roubos Prof.dr. University of Nijmegen NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS
Bernard ROUX Dr. L3M-IMT / CNRS and University FRANCE
stanley roux Dr. University of Texas at Austsin USA
Tony Ruark Mr. public USA
richard ruiterkamp M.Sc. astrobiology/SCM group at Leiden university NETHERLANDS
John Rusi B.Sc. Bigelow Aerospace USA
John Russell Mr. private citizen USA
Corinne Rutzke Dr. Cornell University USA
Rui Carlos M.Sc. Laboratoire de Physique Biomédicale Université Libre de Bruxelles BELGIUM
Marina Saltman Dr. NASA Ames Research Center USA
Nadia Santo Dr. Univ. of Milano Dept. of Biology ITALY
Daniela Santucci Dr. Behavioural Pathophysiology Section Lab. Fisiopatologia di Organo e di Sistema Istituto Superiore di Sanità ITALY
Peter Saparin Dr. Center of Muscle and Bone Research, Univ. Hospital Benjamin Franklin Free University Berlin GERMANY
Atsushige Sato Prof.dr. Space Utilization Research Programme, Natio JAPAN
Edmond Sawyer Mr. Lockheed Martin Corp. USA
Sina Sayyah Mr. NCIRE, VA medical center, Laboratory of cell USA
Gen SAZAKI Dr. Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Katahira 2-1-1, Aobaku, Sendai, 980-8577 JAPAN
Peter Scheid Prof.dr. Ruhr-Universität Bochum GERMANY
viviana scherini Dr. INFN Milano, Universita' degli Studi di Milano ITALY
Michael Schmaeh Dr. Gravitational Physiology, Department of Neurobiology, University of Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, D-89069 Ulm GERMANY
Volker Schmid Mr. German Aerospace Center GERMANY
Christoph Schroeder M.D. Clinical Research Center Humboldt University Charité Berlin GERMANY
Wim Schuijlenburg Mr. IDEAS! UvA.BV NETHERLANDS
Dietrich Schwabe Prof.dr. 1.Physics Institute Justus-Liebig-University Giessen H-Buff-Ring 16, D-35392 Giessen,Germany GERMANY
Steven Schwartz Mr. Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
Russell L. Schweickart M.Sc. Apollo 9, retired USA
Robin Seibel Mr. University of Akron NASA GRC USA
George Seielstad Dr. John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences University of North Dakota USA
Robert Sekerka Prof.dr. Carnegie Mellon University USA
Slobodan Sekulic Dr. Department of Neurology Novi Sad YUGOSLAVIA
Eric SERRE Dr. Lab. Modélisation et Simulation Numérique en Mécanique,Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Universités d'Aix-Marseille, IMT Château-Gombert, 38 rue Frederic Joliot-Curie, 13451 Marseille Cedex 20 FRANCE
Roland Seurig M.Sc. Kayser-Threde GmbH GERMANY
Ignacio Sevilla Noarbe Mr. CIEMAT SPAIN
Mimi Shao Ms. The Bionetics Corporation Kennedy Space Center, Florida USA
Uresh Sheth Mr. Columbia University USA
Naritsuka Shigeya Prof.dr. Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Fac. of Science and Technology, Meijo University JAPAN
Tsuyoshi SHIMIZU PhD. M.D. Department of Physiology, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine JAPAN
Masahide SHIMOKAWABE Dr. Div. of Materials Science and Eng., Graduate School of Eng., Hokkaido University JAPAN
Hitoshi Shindo Prof.dr. Chuo University Department of Applied Chemistry JAPAN
Klaus Slenzka Dr. OHB-System AG Head: Dept. Life Science Universitaetsallee 27-29 D-28359 Bremen GERMANY
Theo Smit Dr. Department of Clinical Physics and Informati NETHERLANDS
Thomas Smith B.Sc. NASA/JSC USA
Jack Smith Dr. United Space Alliance USA
Edward Snell Dr. USRA/MSFC USA
Volker Sobick Dr. German Aerospace Center (DLR), Space Management, Human Spaceflight & ISS-Utilisation GERMANY
Laurence SOMODY Dr. Sanofi-Synthelabo Recherche FRANCE
Gerald Sonnenfeld Dr. Morehouse School of Medicine USA
Kenneth Souza M.Sc. Girvan Institute of Technology NRP M/S 19-46 Moffett Field, CA 94035 USA
Jonas Spaak PhD. M.D. Mount Sinai Hospital, Unviersity of Toronto CANADA
Giovanni Spera Prof.dr. Department of Medical Pathophysiology, University of Rome "La Sapienza" Rome ITALY
Enzo Spisni Dr. Dept. of Experimental Biology ITALY
Srini Srinivas Dr. System Studies & Simulation,Inc USA
Marianne Steele Dr. Lockheed Martin NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, California USA
dick Stegeman Dr. Univ Medical Centre Nijmegen NETHERLANDS
Peter Stein Dr. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 2 Medical Centrer Drive Stratford, NJ 08003 USA
Rick Sterling B.Sc. NASA USA
bill stevens M.Sc. engineering USA
Felice Strollo Prof.dr. I.N.R.C.A. - Italian National Research Centers on Aging - Via Cassia 1167 - Rome ITALY
Jeff Struthers Mr. UCSD Dept. of Medicine San Diego, Ca. 92093 USA
Ichiro Sunagawa Dr. Yamanashi Institute of Gemmology and Jewellery Arts (Principal) Tohoku University (Emeritus) JAPAN
Arthur Sytkowski Dr. Laboratory for Cell and Molecular Biology Division of Hematology and Oncology Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Harvard Medical School USA
Hideyuki Takahashi Prof.dr. Graduate School of Life Sciences Tohoku University JAPAN
Kawano Takeshi M.Sc. Toyohashi Univ. of Tech. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,JAPAN JAPAN
AKIKAZU TANAKA Dr. Sumitomo Metal mining Co., Ltd. JAPAN
Joseph Tash Dr. Dept. Molecular & Integrative Physiology University of Kansas Medical Center 3901 Rainbow Blvd. Kansas City, KS 66160 USA
Eric Taylor M.Sc. SHOT USA
Tracy Teal M.Sc. California Institute of Technology USA
Per Tesch Dr. Department of Physiology and Pharmacology Karolinska Institute SWEDEN
Nathan Thomas Mr. Space Hardware Optimization Technology (SHOT) Inc. USA
Bobbi Thompson Ms. University of California, Davis Exercise Biology Program USA
Jesper Skovhus Thomsen Dr. Institute of Anatomy University of Aarhus DENMARK
Marc Tischler Dr. University of Arizona USA
Paul Todd Dr. SHOT, Inc. USA
Renato Toffanin Dr. PROTOS Research Institute/University of Trie ITALY
Naitoh Tomio Dr. Department of Biological Science, Shimane University JAPAN
Katsuo Tsukamoto Dr. Tohoku University JAPAN
Helga Tuschl Dr. Dep Toxicology, ARC Seibersdorf Research AUSTRIA
Misako Uchida Dr. Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. JAPAN
Satoshi Uda Dr. Mitsubishi Materials Corp. JAPAN
Toshimasa Uemura Dr. Tissue Engineering Research Center(TERC),Nat JAPAN
Bianca Maria Uva Prof.dr. University of Genova. Dip. di Biologia sperimentale, ambientale ed applicata ITALY
D. van den Assem Mr. physicist/ micro-g instrumentation/ spacec NETHERLANDS
jaap van der waarde M.Sc. Bioclear NETHERLANDS
Jack van Loon Dr. Dutch Experiment Support Center (DESC) ACTA NETHERLANDS
Nico J. van Putten B.Sc. CFO Bradford engineering BV NETHERLANDS
Jacqui van Twest M.Sc. Lockheed Martin Space Operations USA
Stefan Van Vaerenbergh Dr. Université Libre de Bruxelles, Service de C BELGIUM
Norbert Vana Prof.dr. Austrian Society of Aerospace Medicine and L AUSTRIA
Jos Vander Sloten Prof.dr. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Division of Biomechanics and Engineering Design BELGIUM
Charles Vanderburg Dr. Harvard Medical School Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Center for Neurodegeneration and Repair USA
Jenny VanOostrum B.Sc. Dept. Biochemistry, UMC-160, Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences, University of Nijmegen P.O. Box 9101 6500 HB Nijmegen The Netherlands NETHERLANDS
Bill Vardaman M.Sc. The Biospace Group, Inc. 810 Regal Dr., Myers Office Center Huntsville, AL 56801 USA
Jany VASSY Dr. IUH Saint Louis - U553 - AIPC lab. Hôpital Saint Louis 1,av Claude Vellefaux - 75475 Paris cedex 10 FRANCE
Andrei Vedernikov Dr. Microgravity Research Centre, Brussels, Belg BELGIUM
J. Paul Veldhuijzen Dr. ACTA-Vrije Universiteit dept. Oral Cell Biology Amsterdam NETHERLANDS
Arthur Veldman Prof.dr. Mathematics and Computing Science Universit NETHERLANDS
Karim Vermaelen Dr. Ghent University Hospital BELGIUM
Laurence VICO Dr. Laboratoire de Biologie du Tissu Osseux , Inserm 9901 Faculté de Médecine 15, rue A Paré 42023 St Etienne CEDEX 2 FRANCE
Jan Alexander Villadsen M.D. Inventor of a concept for handling cells at DENMARK
Di Piero Vittorio Prof.dr. Department of Neurological Science V Chair of Neurological Science University of Rome "La Sapìenza" ITALY
Antonio Viviani Prof.dr. Seconda Università di Napoli Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale e Meccanica via Roma 29 I-81031 Aversa ITALY
Daniel von Deutsch Dr. Morehouse School of Medicine Space Medicine and Life Sciences Research Center USA
Janice Voorsluys Ms. Lab of Cell Growth, San Francisco Veteran's Affairs Medical Center USA
Jan Vreeburg Dr. National Aerospace Laboratory NLR NETHERLANDS
Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic Dr. Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
Yuichiro Wakashima Dr. NASDA Space Utilization Research Program(SURP) JAPAN
Frank Walboomers Dr. Dept. Biomaterials University Medical Cente NETHERLANDS
Isabelle Walther Dr. Space Biology Group ETHZ SWITZERLAND
Kerry Walton Dr. NYU School of Medicine USA
Michael Ward Mr. Chamber of Commerce, Hunsville/Madison County USA
Jeffrey Warner Dr. LA Petrophysical USA
Liz Warren Dr. University of California, Davis USA
Richard Wassersug Dr. Dept. of Anatomy & Neurobiology Dalhousie U CANADA
Don Watenpaugh Dr. Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory Box 900 Groton, CT 06349 USA
David Watson Dr. InDyne, Inc. USA
Richard Weaver B.Sc. MSFC FD 33 USA
John P. Wefel Prof.dr. Louisiana State University Department of Physics and Astronomy Baton Rouge. LA 70803 USA
Niki Werkheiser Mrs. ISS Payload Operations Integration Center, MSFC USA
Brant White Mr. Orbital Technologies Corporation USA
Michael L Wiederhold Dr. University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Dept. Otolaryngology USA
William Wilcox Prof.dr. Clarkson University USA
Hermann Wilke Dr. Institute of Crystal Growth, Berlin GERMANY
Stefan Will Prof.dr. Universitaet Bremen, Techn. Thermodynamik GERMANY
Shelli Williams B.Sc. The University of Alabama USA
Andrew Winnington Dr. Wellington School of Medicine University of Otago NEW ZEALAND
James Wise Dr. Washington State University, Tri-Cities USA
J.H. David Wu Dr. University of Rochester USA
René J. Wubbels Dr. Vestibular Department ENT Academic Medical Center Amsterdam NETHERLANDS
Masao Yamasaki Dr. Department of Physiology, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine,1 Hikarigaoka Fukushima, 960-1295 Japan. JAPAN
Masamichi Yamashita Dr. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science JAPAN
shinichi yoda Prof.dr. Tokyo Institute of Technology JAPAN
Laurence Young Prof.dr. MIT: Apollo Program Prof. of Astronautics USA
Behrouz zandieh Doulabi M.Sc. AMC, Amsterdam NETHERLANDS
Jochen Zange Dr. Institute of Aerospace Medicine German Aero GERMANY
Le-Ning Zhang Dr. Department of Aerospace Physiology, The Fourth Military Medical University, 17 Changlexi Road, Xi?an 710032,P. R. China CHINA
Evgenii Zharikov Prof.dr. General Physics Institute Russian Acad.Sci. RUSSIA
Gerhard Zimmermann Dr. ACCESS e.V. GERMANY
Lionel Zupan Dr. Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Otolaryngology USA

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