MICROGRAVITY AND BONE CELL MECHANOSENSITIVITY --Rheological Characterization of the Parallel-plate Flow Chamber R.G. Bacabac  ACTA-Vrije Universiteit, Dept Oral Cell Biology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


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MICROGRAVITY AND BONE CELL MECHANOSENSITIVITY --Rheological Characterization of the Parallel-plate Flow Chamber R.G. Bacabac  ACTA-Vrije Universiteit, Dept Oral Cell Biology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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Loading induces shear stress

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Parallel plate flow chamber

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Fluid flow in vitro model (for ground expts)

Microgravity experiment scheme

Experiment container (EC type II/E) for space expts


Flow conditions

Idealized case: steady flow, infinitely wide plates

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Steady Flow Arbitrary units

Line graphs (arbitrary units) T = wall shear; Vx = velocity

Time dependent flow

Downscaled proto-type (not drawn to scale)

Flow chamber in centrifuge

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Vx at y = 0.15 mm, x = 3 mm

Vx at z = 0, x = 3 mm

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Microgravity and Bone Cell Mechanosensitivity --Rheological Characterization of the Parallel-plate Flow Chamber R.G. Bacabac1, Th.H. Smit2, J.J.W.A. van Loon1,*, M.J.B.M. Pourquie3, F.T.M. Nieuwstadt3, J. Klein-Nulend1  1 ( *DESC ), ACTA-Vrije Universiteit, Dept Oral Cell Biology, Van der Boechorststraat 7, NL-1081 BT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2VUMC-Vrije Universiteit, Dept Clinical Physics and Informatics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 3Delft University of Technology, Lab. Aero & Hydrodynamics, Delft, The Netherlands

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Author: Rommel G. Bacabac, AVTA-VU, Amsterdam, NL

Email address for technical comments: j.van_loon.ocb.acta@med.vu.nl

DESC Home / Intro Page: http://www.desc.med.vu.nl/Frames.htm

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Please contact the author directly (see e-mail address on the abstract) when you have questions or remarks concerning this presentation.

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