PPT Slide
- Focus on Life sciences, Physiology and Physical / Material Sciences
- Overall quality good to very good
- The pioneering phase seems to have passed
- Scientific output has increased (qualitative and quantitative)
- Mg projects well embedded in traditional research lines
- Impact on traditional terrestrial research
- NL scientific community well positioned and prepared for the future
- High level of success in ESA AO’s (2-4 x GNP)
- Expertise fits well with the new ESA mG goals
- ISS well suited for MG research
The mG program has been evaluated in preparation for the 2001 ESA council
at ministerial level, where the new ESA mG programme will be presented.
Rolf P. de Groot, Programme Manager External Research
Microgravity Research in the Netherlands
Evaluation of MG research in the Netherlands - Conclusions