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Abstract: Travelling, living and working in space is a reality. Since now 20 years, space stations are on orbit, and are quasi permanently inhabited by astronauts who can perform a large number of activities from technical operations to science experiments. On one hand, with increasing numbers of people and extended lengths of time in space, it becomes more and more important to understand more in depth the effects of space flight. On the other hand, the microgravity is a useful tool to unveil some fundamental mechanisms which are altered at the level of the cell or at the level of the organism by changes in the environment. It is known that Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) can mate, reproduce and develop apparently normally during space flight (G. Nelson, p. comm.). In the first International C. elegans Experiment (ICE-first), several scientific domains will be studied. This unique opportunity provided to the science community gathered by the French space agency (CNES) and kindly offered by the European Space Agency and the Space research organisation of the Netherlands (SRON) is welcoming groups of scientists from France, Canada, Japan and United states of America. This is an international cooperative project.
Address corresponding
Experiment Coorinator dr.
Michel Viso, CNES, Paris.
Scientific Team: dr. Nicole Buckley (Ottawa, CA), dr. Bev Girten and
dr. Cassie Conley (Nasa-ARC, US), dr. Jany Vassy (CNRS. Paris, FR), dr. Ann
Rose (Vancouver, CA), dr. Noriaki Ishioka (JAXA, JP) and dr. Laurent Ségalat
(Lyon, FR).
What is Caenorhabditis elegans
elegans is a nematode (Phylum Nematoda) measuring around 1mm and living naturally
in soil. It is of no economic importance to man. It has reproductive, nervous,
muscular, and digestive systems. It is a very simple organism mad of a fixed
number of somatic cells (959). Its life span is about 2-3 weeks and in the liquid
medium at 25°, the life cycle is around 5 days. The genome is totally sequenced
(100 000 000 of base pairs and around 20 000 genes). Numerous mutants are available.
It is used as a model system for various medical pathologies and was the subject
of the 2002 Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology because the process of apoptosis
or programmed cell death was discovered while studying C. elegans development.
Around the world many hundreds of scientists are working full time investigating its biology. C. elegans is about as primitive an organism that exists which nonetheless shares many of the essential biological characteristics that are central problems of human biology. The worm is conceived as a single cell which undergoes a complex process of development. Then lineage of the 959 cells is fixed and well known allowing a huge number of investigations in fundamental biology. Scientists study embryogenesis, morphogenesis, development, nerve function, behavior and aging. C. elegans may be handled as a micro-organism. Thus it provides the researcher with the ideal compromise between complexity and tractability.
![]() Figure 1: The Worm!!! ©2002 Wormatlas |
Studies on genome stability
(Ann Rose, Canada).
It is known that incident radiation is increased several-fold during
space flight and that this causes heritable changes (G. Nelson, p.comm). We
will take advantage of the suitability of genetic approaches on C. elegans to
address this question by analysing the distribution of an antigen (mdf-2) which
is essential for the normal dicisions of the cells. An alteration of the production
of this antigen will lead to the accumulation of defects including chromosome
abnormalities, X-chromosome nondisjunction or loss, problems in gonad development,
and embryonic lethality (Kitagawa & Rose, 1999).
Another way to evaluate the effect of radiation is to study the G-tracks wich
are present in the genome. There are approximately 395 strings of nucleotides
(nts) with Glutamine series (18 or greater, most within the range 20 -25 Gs),
of which 134 are adjacent to coding regions. The probability of one stretch
of 18 Gs occurring by chance is 1 in 64 billion. In the genome, there are nearly
400 such series. Thus, it seems unlikely that these strings have occurred by
chance. Retention of G-tracks requires active enzymatic activity, which presumably
is energetically costly. In the absence of DOG-1 function deletions occur spontaneously
in genes containing strings of Gs. We have shown previously that the function
of the dog-1 (deletion of G) is required for the maintenance of G-tracks of
18-28 nts in length (Cheung et al. 2002). Dog-1 mutants show germline as well
as somatic deletions in genes containing G-tracts and display a telomere shortening
We propose to examine strains of live worms (CC1 and Dog-1) returned from space
flight for alterations in the G-tracks and compare to ground controls. The hypothesis
is that the G-tracks play a functional role in maintaining genome stability
and make a sensitive assay of genomic damage. We have developed primer sets
to detect deletions originating in G-track and these will be used to survey
G-tracks on the left end of chromosome V, the same region that Greg Nelson examined
for radiation-induced mutational changes (p. comm.).
Studies on muscle growth and
survival (Catharine Conley/Beverly Girten, USA; and Laurent Ségalat, France).
Microgravity has an
important impact on muscle physiology and growth. C. elegans has muscles which
are analogous to vertebrates in terms of composition and basic organisation.
Investigations on C. elegans would benefit from a large number of mutants available
in this organism. In this first study, emphasis would be put on two sets of
genes : First, we will investigate the localization of Tropomodulin proteins
and other contractile proteins of muscle. In mammals, Tropomodulins display
altered expression in response to muscle under- or over-loading. Worms have
two Tropomodulin genes, thus the data obtained would provide preliminary results
concerning the appropriateness of worms as a model for Tropomodulin involvement
in muscle atrophy (Strain CC1). Second, we will analyse the phenotype of animals
mutant for genes encoding protein involved in muscle survival. One such protein
is dystrophin, the product of the gene mutated in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy,
an inherited disease in which patients suffer from a progressive muscle necrosis.
We will also study the effect of microgravity on other mutations affecting C.
elegans muscle survival (including MyoD, perlecan, titin). Two mutants will
be flown: LS541 and LS761. The effects of microgravity will be analysed by immucytochemistry
and microscopy. For one set of experiment, the worms will be issued from an
"egg prep" allowing a slow development still the launch and to fix by the end
of the flight "old" adult worms (Scenario C).
Whole-genome microarray analysis
of responses to spaceflight in C.elegans (Catharine Conley, Stuart Kim USA)
Spaceflight is suspected or has been recognized to produce specific physiological
responses, including radiation damage repair in response to cosmic radiation,
and muscle atrophy in response to microgravity-induced unweighting. A number
of additional physiological phenomena have been reported, such as immune dysfunction
and altered aging, that are not well understood at the cellular or molecular
level. Microarray analysis is an excellent method of screening for both known
and novel genes that show altered expression in response to a particular treatment.
The proposed experiment involves performing RNA expression analysis using a
microarray designed to probe for nearly every gene in the genome. Although microarray
analysis does not provide detailed information concerning the function of any
particular gene, its acts as an efficient indicator of which genes might be
interesting to study further, because they show altered expression in response
to the treatment.
Two hypotheses that can be tested directly using microarray data obtained from
spaceflown worms are a) that radiation-repair genes will be up-regulated, and
b) that genes involved in muscle specification and contractility will be down-regulated.
The analysis does not provide information concerning the specific role of any
of these genes, but does confirm that genes we predict to show altered expression
based on data from mammals are indeed responsive in worms. Additional hypotheses
concerning worm 'immune' function and aging can also be tested, by determining
the expression of genes known to be involved in those physiological processes.
These results would provide excellent preliminary data for proposing additional
spaceflight experiments to examine specific genes in detail. Whole-genome analyses
provide a useful resource to the entire scientific community, as any researcher
considering a particular line of study can check microarray data to determine
whether their genes of interest respond to treatment. For this ICE flight, we
propose to obtain RNA from worms that have been exposed to spaceflight and returned
to earth alive. This experiment will require samples for RNA analyses to be
frozen within 1-2 hrs of the return to Earth. RNA will be analysed using the
whole-genome microarray developed by the Kim lab in the Stanford Genome Center.
Data from the microarray analysis will be made publicly available in the Stanford
Microarray Database. The worms will be prepared from a CC1 mixed stage population,
kept at 18°C till the launch and after and which will be recover alive for immediate
treatment (Scenario B).
Morphometry of larval C. elegans
development during spaceflight. (Catherine Conley, Beverly Girten, USA)
Spaceflight is thought to affect mammalian development at specific 'critical
periods' during infancy. Although worm cultures have grown successfully during
several previous spaceflights, it is not yet known whether spaceflight exerts
non-lethal effects on worm development.
In liquid CeMM, the media proposed for use in the ICE flight, larvae shed cuticles
as they molt and progress to the next developmental stage. The length of the
shed cuticles is indicative of the length of the larvae at the time when they
molt, and thus can be used as a metric for larval development. For this experiment
, we propose to measure the range of lengths exhibited by shed cuticles in media
from cultures that have been returned alive. The distribution of length data
will indicate the number and progression of larval moults during development
in space. The Conley lab has already determined the normal progression of development
in CeMM on Earth (manuscript in press), and this will be the first analysis
of C. elegans develoment in space. The worms will be prepared from a mixed stage
population, kept at 18°C till the launch and after and will be recover alive
for immediate treatment (Scenario B).
Microtubules and microfilaments
(Jany Vassy, France)
From previous space flown and ground based experiments it was demonstrated that
the microtubules are sensitive to the gravity level in cultured cells. It is
of major interest to study this phenomenon in a model organism like Ceonorhabditis
elegans. The classical strain N2 will be used but further investigations could
help determining other strain of interest to challenge several hypotheses.
The microtubules and the microfilaments in dividing cells and in epithelia will
be particularly studied using the appropriate antibodies for immunolocalisation
and then using a confocal microscope. To achieve this goal the samples will
be frozen upon the recovery and then treated with methanol and then air dried
in the laboratory. This will be the first analysis of Tubuline and F-Actine
in space flown C. elegans. The worms will be prepared from a mixed stage population,
kept at 18°C till the launch and after and will be recover alive for immediate
Effect of space flight on
cell migration and muscle cell in C. elegans development. (Hiroaki Kagawa, Noriaki
Ishioka, Japan)
C. elegans has two muscle tissues; pharynx for feeding and body wall muscle
for locomotion. The both correspond to heart and skeletal muscle of vertebrates.
Recently we found that muscle filament gene defect affect not only muscle function
but also muscle development. Additionally these mutant animals have abnormal
distal tip cell migration during the worm development. Abnormal cell migration
can easily be seen under microscope.
For this experiment, we use wild-type and thick filament abnormal mutant (unc-15),
which produce muscle filament but decreased function and have abnormal morphology
of distal tip cells.
Studies on germ line development
including meiotic chromosomal dynamics and germ cell apoptosis under microgravity
condition (Atsushi Higashitani, Noriaki Ishioka, Japan)
In C. elegans, the sequence of changes in chromosomal morphology during meiotic
prophase 1, the oocyte maturation and the germ cell apoptosis can be observed,
and the molecular mechanisms underlying these phenomena can be investigated
with genetic approaches. We will analyze the effects of microgravity on these
phenomena using the N2 wild-type and ced (cell death) mutants (at least two
mutants, ced-1 and ced-3) strains. This experiment will require 100 to 1000
animals in each strain at mixed developmental stages, in addition to 1G control
of each sample in space) fixed in flight for microscopic observations staining
with DAPI and several antibodies (histone H3 phosphorylation and methylation,
activated MAPK etc.).
Analysis of the aging related
protein aggregation and sarcomere integrity (Shuji & Yuko Honda, Noriaki Ishioka
To examine the effects of space on protein-folding homeostasis in muscle cells,
we will analyze the aggregation of polyglutamine (polyQ) in body wall muscle
cells, using transgenic C. elegans (N2; Punc-54)expressing polyQ-YFP (yellow
fluorescent protein) and also daf-2(e1370) lifespan-extension mutant. We will
also analyze sarcomere orientation in the muscle of transgenic C. elegans(N2;
Punc-54) expressing GFP (green fluorescent protein) in body wall muscle cells.
Description of the Experiment
Generally, C. elegans is growing on agar plates on a special medium (NGM). To
fly the animals have to be adapted to the liquid medium specially provided by
NASA (CeMM). The various strains will be prepared in the laboratory of the investigators.
Four days before the launch the strains will be prepared for the flight by the
investigators in the facility of the GSBMS (Groupement scientifique pour la
Biologie et la Médecine spaciale) in Toulouse and then put in their containers,
ready for the grouns and space travel.
Then the samples will be transported by hand carriers to the launch pad in Baikonour,
transferred in Kubik with the other experiment and kept at 18°C. Three days
after the launch, the samples will be transferred to the Kubik with the centrifuge
and three small containers will be placed on it. By the last day of the flight,
4 containers will be fixed by a simple operation of the astronaut. Then he will
pack the 8 containers with the others to have then returned to the ground in
Right upon the arrival the containers will be opened and some will be filmed
to evaluate the behaviour of the animals. The small bags containing the culture
of the worms will be then either frozen or refrigerated till their return in
Toulouse two days after the landing. The scientist will then begin their scientific
The science team acknowledges the space agencies which are allowing this
flight opportunity as "l'Agence Spatiale Canadienne" (ASC), the "Centre National
d'Etudes Spatiales" (CNES), the European Space Agency (ESA), the Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA), the National Aeronautic and Space Administration
(NASA), and the Space Research Organisation of the Netherlands (SRON).