Publications related to the subject

The hornet cuticle: Electric resistance of hornet cuticle; changes induced by xanthines, a statistical model. Physiological Chemistry, Physics and Medical NMR (1985) 7: 435-449. Eyal Rosenzweig, Camil Fuchs and Jacob Ishay.

Thermo-and Photoelectric Current in the hornet cuticle Physiological Chemistry, Physics and Medical NMR (1995) 27: 179-192. Jacob S. Ishay, Eyal Rosenzweig and Elina Fuksman.

Thermoregulation of extraretinal photoreceptor apparatus in the yellow stripes of the gaster of hornets. Physiological Chemistry, Physics and Medical NMR (1997) 29: 213-230 Jacob S. Ishay, Eyal Rosenzweig, Orna Goldstein and Arieh S. Solomon.

Hornets yellow cuticle microstructure: a photovoltaic system. Physiological Chemistry, Physics and Medical NMR (1997) 29: 71-93 Jacob S. Ishay, Orna Goldstein, Eyal Rosenzweig, Dharamdajal Kalicharan and Willem L. Jongebloed.

Micromorphology of the dorsal ocelli of the oriental hornet. Journal of gravitational Physiology (1998) 5 (1): 113-114. Eyal Rosenzweig, Arieh Sorin Solomon, Shira Kirshboim, Jacob S. Ishay, Han van der Want, Dharamdajal Kalicharan and Willem L. Jongebloed.

Are ciliary hair cells and photoreceptors components of a gravitic system of the hornet vespa orientalis ? Journal of gravitational Physiology (1998) 5 (1): 135-136. W. L. Jongebloed, E. Rosenzweig, D. Kalicharan and J. S. Ishay

Ciliary hair cells and cuticular photorecepters of the hornet Vespa orientalis as components of a gravity detecting system: a SEM/ TEM investigation. Journal of Electron Microscopy (1999) 48 (1): 63-75. Willem L. Jongebloed, Eyal Rosenzweig, Dharamdajal Kalicharan, Johannes J. L. van der Want and Jacob S. Ishay.

Micromorphology of the dorsal ocelli of the oriental hornet and its possible func-tion in navigation. Physiological Chemistry, Physics and Medical NMR (1999) 30: 241-269 Eyal Rosenzweig, Arieh Sorin Solomon, Jacob S. Ishay, Shira Kirshboim, Han van der Want, Dharamdajal Kalicharan and Willem L. Jongebloed.

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