Chapter 7

Behaviour of adult hamsters subjected to hypergravity

Submitted to Journal of Vestibular Research


We studied vestibular function in 20 adult hamsters (3 months old) subjected to either prolonged hypergravity (n=10) or normal gravity (n=10) for 2 months. The motor coordination of the hypergravity (HG) hamsters hardly changed; locomotion and swimming under light conditions was normal. Equilibrium maintenance was severely disturbed; only 6 of 10 hypergravity hamsters managed to walk on the small tube after 2 months, whereas all 10 controls (CON) were able to walk on the tube. Hypergravity hamsters were also less susceptible to rotations and the air-righting reflex was severely disturbed; the HG hamsters made 30% correct air-righting responses, while the CON hamsters made 88% correct responses Finally, 5 of 8 HG hamsters had to be saved from drowning when swimming in total darkness. Histological examination of the utricular otoconial layers afterwards, using energy dispersive X-ray element analysis and scanning electron microscopy, showed no changes in calcium content, size, shape and size distribution of the otoconia.
We conclude that adult hamsters adapt to hypergravity, which leads to problems in normal functioning when tested under normal gravity conditions, especially in tasks in which sensory input of the vestibular system is the dominant source for orientation. These disturbances are more severe in adult hamsters than in young ones tested in previous experiments, so it is assumed that age is a factor for adaptation to altered gravity conditions.

Keywords: centrifugation, balancing, air-righting reflex, swimming behaviour, otoconia.


Exposure to altered gravity can lead to a syndrome of motion sickness. Space research has shown that 40% to 60% of all astronauts experience a kind of motion sickness (Space Adaptation Syndrome) during the first days in space (Thornton et al. 1987). Furthermore, astronauts subjected to weightlessness for 8 to 10 weeks, show balance disturbances on tests after return to normal gravity. These disturbances last for several days (Homick et al. 1977; Young et al. 1984). After an increase of gravity (hypergravity or HG) in a centrifuge, astronauts experience the same motion sickness symptoms in normal gravity as the ones they had experienced after their spaceflight (Bles et al. 1989). Postural instability and "stiff robot-like behaviour" during walking in normal gravity was also found in several subjects exposed to hypergravity (3 G) for 1.5 hour (Bles and de Graaf, 1993). These data indicate an involvement and possibly an adaptation of vestibular system to weightlessness or hypergravity, which is probably the same mechanism for both conditions. Therefore, hypergravity experiments in a centrifuge could facilitate research to this adaptation mechanism.
In earlier experiments we developed an animal model for studying the effect of hypergravity on vestibular induced behaviour. Although signs of motion sickness were missing, we found balance disturbances during normal gravity in young hamsters subjected to hypergravity (2.5 G) in a centrifuge for 4 or 6 months (Sondag et al. 1995a; Sondag et al. 1996). These disturbances were observed during the first weeks of exposure and disappeared after several weeks probably because of the training experience on the tubes. However, one has to take into account that these hamsters were only 3 weeks old when exposed to hypergravity. For comparing the results of human and animal experiments in hypergravity it is necesarry to compare adults.
Therefore, the present study was performed in which we investigated the behaviour of adult hamsters after longterm exposure to hypergravity. Attention was paid to their locomotion pattern during normal walking, balance tests and during exposure to rotatory accelerations. Other tests, capable of detecting differences in vestibular functioning, such as air-righting and swimming (Lim and Erway, 1974; Petrosini, 1984; Huygen et al. 1986; Pellis et al. 1989, Llorens et al. 1993), were also applied. Afterwards, the utricular otoconial layer was histologically examined to assess the effect of hypergravity on the otoconial morphology.

Material and methods

Centrifuge: The centrifuge consisted of a centrally placed 3.5-kW DC motor drive and 2 horizontally mounted arms (length = 115 cm) with aerated and darkened free-swinging gondolas (length: 110 cm, width: 45 cm, height: 80 cm, length arm + gondola: 194 cm). At a rotation speed of 34,3 rpm a 2.5 gravity-value was reached at the bottom of the gondola.

Animals: The study was done in a group of 20 male adult golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). The hamsters were born and raised by Harlan (Zeist, The Netherlands) and were 3 months old with a mean weight of 90 g at the start of the experiment. Ten of them were placed in acrylate boxes (22 cm x 37 cm; 3 or 4 animals per box), inside the centrifuge-gondola to live under conditions of 2.5 G (HG hamsters). A video camera in the gondola made it possible to observe the animals' behaviour during hypergravity. The other 10 hamsters (CON hamsters) were placed in similar housings under normal gravity. Food and water were available ad libitum and the day-night cycle (light on 19.00 - 7.00 h) was reversed. During the centrifuge stops (30 minutes), the hamsters were tested in a laboratory room with dimmed lights. Additional noise (radio) was present to avoid distraction of the hamsters by the experimenter. The body weight was measured twice a week.
After two months, the hamsters were killed for histological and morphological examination of the otoconia of the saccule and utricle. The experiments were performed in accordance with the principles of laboratory animal care and with the recommendations provided in a special licence as required by the Dutch Law on the Use of Animals in Scientific Research.
We registered the stride, tube and swimming tests weekly and the rotation and the no-rotation task monthly. The air-righting reflex, resurfacing and swimming in the dark were tested in the last week of the experiment (week 8).


Stride task: The hamsters were held by their chest and their front and hind paws dipped in a tray containing film developer (Agfa) and had to walk in a small plexiglass walkway (length 43 cm, width 9.5 cm) in which an undeveloped X-ray film (Curix) was laid. The film with the paw prints were dipped in rapid fix (Agfa) for 5 minutes, washed for 10 minutes and dried (method earlier described by de Medinaceli et al. 1982). For evaluation of the strides we used the method described by Hruska et al (1979). We measured the distance between consecutive left hind pawprints (step-length), the distance of the interposed right hindpaw perpendicular to the line connecting the two consecutive left hindpaws (step-width) and the distance between the ipsilateral fore and hind paw prints (superimposed step). At the same time, the dynamic aspects of the walking behaviour were stored on tape. The videorecorder (Panasonic, NV-FS90) was able to show intervals of 20 ms (50 tracks per second). We counted swing time (elevation and forward movement of the foot) and stance time (placement of the foot upon the floor until the next swing) and calculated the percentage of swing time (swing time / swing time + stance time).
Tube task: the acrylate tube (length 100 cm, diameter 20 mm), placed ± 20 cm above ground level, was fixed to standards and covered with tape (Leukosilk, Beiersdorf AG, Hamburg, Germany) in order to give the hamster a better grip. A platform was placed at the end of the tube where the hamster could collect sun-flower seeds for ± 5 s. One extra day was used to train the hamsters for 5 minutes to walk the full length of the tube. Each hamster had to cross the tube 3 times. After 7 days of HG, the hamsters were tested on the tube once a week. We measured the time to cross the tube (crossing time) and fall frequency per trial.
Rotation task: A hamster was placed in a cylindrical bucket (diameter 30 cm, height 45 cm) mounted on a swivel tool device with 10 sinusoidal pendular rotations at a frequency of 0.1 Hz and an amplitude of 900 (total swing time 100 s). The number of changes in walking direction (turnings) was counted in this task and also for 100 s when the device did not move (No-rotation task). The period between the rotation and the no-rotation task was 2 weeks.
Swimming in a lane (140 x 10 cm, height of the walls 30 cm, water-depth 25 cm, water temperature ± 300 C) to test swimming ability and speed. The hamsters had to swim to the end of the lane where they could climb an escape ladder. One extra day was used to train the hamsters for 5 minutes to swim to the ladder. On the testing days, the animals swam 6 trials; 3 in the lane and 3 in the maze. The crossing time for the middle part of the lane (length 100 cm) was measured.
Orientation ability during swimming in a maze (140 x 70 cm). The shape of the maze was similar to our earlier experiments (Sondag et al. 1995a; Sondag et al. 1996a). The hamsters had to find a ladder, located at the opposite end of the maze. The crossing time was measured and the orientation strategy (swimming along the walls or straight through the center of the basin) was observed.

Air-righting reflex, resurfacing and swimming in infrared light conditions
In week 8, to assess the hamsters air righting reflex, 8 HG hamsters and 8 CON hamsters were dropped in a supine position from a height of 80 cm into a water basin. After resurfacing the hamsters had to swim for 30 sec. To avoid visual input this test was performed under infrared light conditions (870 nm) in which the hamsters are unable to use visual information. The hamsters behaviour was recorded on video for later analysis. Three succesive trials were given. We measured the number of correct air righting responses (landing with feet parallel to the surface of the water), the time needed to resurface after hitting the water and the swimming ability in the dark during 30 s.


The HG and CON hamsters were killed and the temporal bones were dissected. The utricular patches were fixed in 2.5% gluteraldehyde + 0.5% paraformaldehyde in phosphate buffer solution (0.1 M, pH 7.4). After rinsing in distilled water and air-drying, the specimens were prepared for calcium content analysis and scanning electron microscopy.

To determine the calcium content of the otoconia, the specimen were sputter-coated with carbon and subjected to energy dispersive X-ray (EDAX, DX4) element analysis. The data were analysed with the help of Phizaf (EDAX, Mahwah, USA). For electron microscopical scanning (ISI SS40), the patches were mounted on aluminium stubs and coated with gold. Photos were made to determine the effect of hypergravity on size and shape of the otoconia and on the areas with small, medium-sized or larger otoconia. Measurement of the otoconial distribution on the utricular patch was done by three different experimenters and the method was the same as described in Sondag et al. (1995b). There was no inter-observer difference in measurement of the areas. Therefore, the data of one investigator (HNPMS) are presented.

Data were statistically assessed (significance: p<0.05) with repeated analysis of variance (weight, gait, tube task, swimming speed, susceptibility for orientations), one-way ANOVA (resurfacing, swimming in the dark, otoconia distribution) and the binomial test (air-righting reflex). We used the statistical software SPSS PC+ 5.0 for our analysis.


The body weight increased in all 20 hamsters, no significant difference in body weight gain was found between HG hamsters and CON hamsters.

Stride test: No differences were found in length and width of the steps between HG and CON hamsters. Both groups increased the step-length (F(6,108)=7.51, p<0.001) and the step-width (F(6,108)=6.15, p<0.001) during the experiment. Concerning the superimposed step, we found that the distance between the ipsilateral front and hind leg was larger for HG hamsters than for CON hamsters (F(1,18)=7.15, p=0.016). No differences between HG and CON hamsters were found in the dynamic aspects of walking; walking speed (varying between 12 - 40 cm/s), swing time, stance time and percent of swing time (swing time / swing time + stance time) was the same for both groups.

Equilibrium maintenance on the tube: All 10 control hamsters were able to walk on the tube after the pretraining day and the first testing day, whereas 3 of the 10 HG hamsters were able to walk on the tube. After 8 weeks 6 of the 10 HG hamsters and all 10 CON hamsters were able to walk on the tube. The HG hamsters who walked on the tube after 8 weeks needed more time to cross the tube (mean HG hamsters 27 s, mean CON hamsters 19 s, not significant) and fell down more often than control hamsters (mean HG hamsters 2.30 times, mean CON hamsters 0.20, F(1,10)=13.74, p=0.004; fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Number of falls and crossing time on the small tube. Bars represent the number of falls (Y1-axis), lines represent the crossing time (Y2-axis). Shown are means.

Susceptibility to rotatory accelerations: During the rotation task the HG hamsters made less turnings than the CON hamsters (F(1,18)=7.86, p=0.012). Both groups increased the number of turnings in the rotation task during the experiment (F(2,36)=6.17, p=0.005). In the no-rotation task, no differences were found in the number of turnings between both groups (fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Number of turnings during the no-rotation task (week 1, 3, 5 and 7) and during the rotation task (week 2, 4 and 6). Shown are means and standard deviations.

Swimming in the lane: No differences were found in the swimming ability and speed in the lane between HG and CON hamsters, both groups increased their swimming speed during the experiment (F(4,64)=4.65, p=0.003).

Swimming in the maze: No differences between the two groups were found in time needed to find the stair and the orientation strategy.

Air-righting reflex, resurface time and swimming in infrared light conditions: Over all trials, we observed correct air-righting reflexes in 30% of the HG hamsters and in 88% of the CON hamsters (p<0.000). Time needed to resurface from the water was 1.05 s for the HG hamsters and 0.67 s for the CON hamsters (p=0.024). Concerning swimming in infrared light, 5 of 8 HG hamsters had to be saved from drowning, whereas all 8 CON hamsters swam normally.

Element analysis
For EDAX element analysis utricular patches were used from 3 HG hamsters and 3 control hamsters. We found that the calcium content was the same for otoconia with different sizes, no differences were detected in calcium content between large otoconia and small otoconia. With regard to differences in calcium content between HG animals and controls, element analysis revealed no differences between the otoconia of the HG hamsters and the otoconia of the control hamsters. Calcium peaks were detected for both groups, and no difference was observed in the height of the peaks.

Otoconial distribution on the utricular patch
Concerning the size of the otoconia small, medium-sized and large otoconia were found in the utricle of both HG hamsters and controls. Furthermore, we found that the otoconial distribution of the macula utricle was the same in HG hamsters and control hamsters.


Several authors reported that longterm exposure to altered gravity conditions induced a functional adaptation in visual, vestibular and somatosensory systems leading to motion sickness, balance disturbances and locomotion disorders (Reschke et al. 1986; Young et al. 1986; Bles et al. 1989; Paloski et al. 1993; Bles and de Graaf, 1993, Dai et al. 1994). It is hypothesized that after longterm exposure to microgravity or hypergravity, the altered signals from the adapted otolith organs results in postural disturbances directly after return to normal gravity (Paloski et al. 1993).
In the present experiment, we studied the behaviour of adult hamsters exposed to hypergravity for two months. During the first week of HG exposure the weight of the HG hamsters decreased (not significantly) but after several days it increased to the values of the CON hamsters. This increment in body weight to control level in the present experiment was not observed in studies with young hamsters exposed to hypergravity after weaning (Briney and Wunder, 1962; Sondag et al. 1996) or in young and adult rats (Oyama and Platt, 1964; Pitts et al. 1972). The cause of this increment in adult hamsters remains unclear. The body weight decrease during the first days of HG exposure was found in all experiments and is explained by the reduced food and water consumption during these days which is assumed to be caused by stress effects (Briney and Wunder, 1962; Pitss et al. 1972; Economos et al, 1982).
The HG hamsters showed normal gait and stride during walking in 1 G. The only significant difference we found was that the distance between the hind paw prints and the fore paw prints (superimposed step) was larger in HG hamsters then in CON hamster but this did not affect gait. Balancing on the small tube, however, was severely disturbed; 4 out of 10 HG hamsters had difficulties with standing on the tube and were incapable to walk on the small tube even after 8 weeks of testing. In the tube task the animals were forced to keep balance during locomotion while step-width was held small (± 3.7 cm during normal locomotion versus 2 cm when walking on the tube). This decreased step-width combined with the disturbances in locomotion, as were found in the stride task, could have resulted in a decreased balance on the tube, because the proper corrections could not be made. In earlier experiments, we found that young HG hamsters had less difficulties with learning this task and after several weeks performed just as well as control hamsters (Sondag et al, 1995a; Sondag et al, 1996). In addition, the adult CON hamsters performed just as well as young ones of previous experiments thus excluding the possibility that a higher center of gravity caused these disturbances in the adult HG group. We hypothesize that this difference in balancing between young and adult HG hamsters is an age effect. For sensory motor control of posture and balance, integration of visual, somatosensory and vestibular information is required. During early childhood the value of the input coming from these systems is weighted. Exposure to hypergravity during childhood changes the integration of these inputs. Therefore, the young animal seems to be better capable to functionally adapt to the alterations in G-load and switch to sensory information sources other than vestibular.
The swimming ability of the adult HG hamsters and their age-matching controls was only disturbed during swimming in the dark. When visual information was available, the HG hamsters swam just as fast and used the same orientation strategy as the CON hamsters and as young CON and HG hamsters during the first testing months (Sondag et al. 1996). Furthermore, both the decreased performance of the air-rightting reflex (absence of visual and somatosensory information) and the decreased susceptibility to rotatory accelerations (absence of adequate visual cues) suggest that longterm exposure to hypergravity results in a decreased performance on tasks in which subjects have to rely on input from the peripheral vestibular system. Our data support the hypothesis made by Paloski et al. (1993) that a change in otolith information causes these disturbances.
As far as the morphology of the vestibular end organs is concerned, we found no alterations in calcium content, size, shape and distribution of the otoconia on the utricular layer in adult HG hamsters, which is the same outcome as we have found for the young HG hamsters (Sondag et al. 1995b). The conclusion of Sondag et al. (1995b) that otoconia of animals exposed to hypergravity after birth show no structural adaptation is thus confirmed by the present study. Differences in the otoconia distribution were observed in hamsters conceived and born under hypergravity conditions (unpublished data). This shows that during the embryonal period the vestibular end-organs are capable of adapting to an altered gravity. Adaptation in other parts of the otolith organs, such as the hairbundles or haircells, or in the integration and storage of information in the central part of the vestibular system could be the underlying cause of the behavioural disturbances found in hamsters exposed to hypergravity after birth. This must be explored further in the future.
We conclude that longterm exposure to hypergravity in adult hamsters resulted in behavioural disturbances on vestibular-dependent tasks. These disturbances are more severe in the adult hamsters than in young ones, so it is assumed that age is a factor for the adaptation mechanism to hypergravity.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) for funding this project. This research was conducted while HNPM Sondag was supported by a grant of the Foundation for Behavioural and Educational Sciences (SGW) of this organization (575-62-049), awarded to Prof. Dr. WJ Oosterveld.

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