The use of in-flight exercise
protocols to minimize muscle atrophy and osteoporosis during prolonged spaceflight.
By Olivier de Hon
Chapter 1:Space-physiology
research, an introduction
1.1 - Scientifical problems related to space-physiology
1.2 - The use of exercise protocols in space
1.3 - Concluding remarks
Chapter 2:The disadvantageous
physiological effects of spaceflight
2.1 - The effects of spaceflight on muscle tissue
2.2.1 - The physiology of muscle tissue
2.2.2 - Muscle mass decrements due to spaceflight
2.2.3 - Muscle strength decrements due to spaceflight
2.2.4 - Effects of long-term spaceflight on muscle tissue
2.2 - The effects of spaceflight on bone tissue
2.2.1 - The physiology of bone tissue
2.2.2 - Bone mineral losses due to spaceflight
2.2.3 - Effects of long-term spaceflight on bone tissue
2.3 - Other physiological effects of spaceflight
2.3.1 - The cardiovascular system
2.3.2 - Vestibular and receptor functioning
2.3.3 - Pulmonary functioning
2.3.4 - Temperature regulation
2.3.5 - The immune system
2.3.6 - The gastro-intestinal tract and the reproduction organs
2.4 - Concluding remarks
Chapter 3:Exercise protocols
to increase muscle mass and muscle strength
3.1 - The mechanisms behind spaceflight-induced changes in muscle tissue
3.1.1 - Muscle atrophy
3.1.2 - Decrements in muscle strength
3.1.3 - Increased muscle fatigability
3.2 - Effects of exercise on muscle tissue
3.2.1 - The type of exercise required
3.2.2 - Concepts of exercise training
3.2.3 - Phases in exercise training
3.2.4 - The type of contractions required
3.3 - Concluding remarks
Chapter 4:Exercise protocols
to increase bone mineral density
4.1 - The mechanisms behind spaceflight-induced osteoporosis
4.2 - The effects of exercise on non-spaceflight-induced osteoporosis
4.2.1 - Theoretical basis of the bone mass enhancing effects of exercise
4.2.2 - Transduction of mechanical stresses towards bone remodeling
4.3 - Exercise and spaceflight-induced osteoporosis
4.4 - Concluding remarks
Chapter 5:In-flight exercise
protocols to enhance the musculo-skeletal system
5.1 - Possible exercises during spaceflight
5.1.1. - Resistance exercise devices
5.1.2.- Ergometers
5.1.2. - Dynamometers
5.2 - Published exercise protocols targeting on long-term spaceflight
5.3 - Requirements of an effective in-flight exercise protocol during long-term
5.4 - Concluding remarks