Intro | Chap. 1 | Chap. 2 | Chap. 3 | Chap. 4 | Chap. 5 |
Summary | Concl. Remarks | Bibliography | Samenvatting | CV | Publications |
De Graaf B, Bos JE, Groen E (1994) Otolith function under hypo- and hypergravity conditions. Proceedings Scientific Workshop on Parabolic Flights, November 1994
De Graaf B, Bles W, Bos JE , Groen E (1995). The otoliths under hypo- and hypergravity conditions. In: Experiment results of the ESA and CNES parabolic flights campaign: Tenth anniversary of first ESA parabolic flight campaign. ESA WWP-90 and CNES ED/MV-95-039
Groen E, Nacken PFM, Bos JE, De Graaf B (1996) Determination of ocular torsion by means of automatic pattern recognition. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 43(5); 471-479
Groen E, De Graaf B, Bles W, Bos JE (1996) Ocular torsion before and after 1 hour centrifugation. Brain Research Bulletin 40(5/6): 331-335
De Graaf B, Bos JE, Groen E (1996) Saccular impact on ocular torsion. Brain Research Bulletin 40(5/6): 321-330
Bos JE, De Graaf B, Groen E (1995) Otolith directional sensitivity and ocular torsion (1995) New York Academy of Sciences 781: 583-584
Bles W, De Graaf B, Bos JE, Groen E, Krol JR (in press) A sustained hyper-G load as a tool to simulate space sickness. Journal of Gravitational Physiology
Groen E, Bos JE, De Graaf B (submitted to J Vestib Res) Contribution of the otoliths to the human torsional vestibulo-ocular reflex
Groen E, Howard IP, Cheung B (submitted to J Vestib Res) Influence of body roll on visually induced self-tilt.
Bles W, Groen E, De Jong V, Lok J (submitted to Acta Otolaryngol) Cervically induced ocular torsion: clinical and physiological aspects.