NASA Education Modules
NASA has a large series of so called
'Educational Modules' and 'Teachers Guides' which clearly explain and demonstrate
numerous aspects and phenomena related to spaceflight and space research. A
selection of these are listed below and can be downloaded directly from this
site. The modules are related to (micro-)gravity research, manned spaceflight
and Mars. Some modules explain how to build your 'homemade' rocket.
On request it possible that these modules are translated into Dutch to make
them accessible to high school and pre-high-school students. In the future more
of these modules shall be available in Dutch. Please Contact
us when you need any additional information or assistance.
Microgravity / Manned Spaceflight
Microgravity A Teacher’s Guide With Activities in Science, Mathematics, and Technology: (pdf file 5.97 Mb)
Microgravity: Fall Into Mathematics: (pdf file 214 kb)
The mathematics of microgravity: (pdf file 1 Mb)
The microgravity demonstrator: (pdf file 936 kb)
Investigating Plants in Space: (pdf file 2.25 Mb)
The brain in space: (pdf file 3.58 Mb)
Space food and nutrition: (pdf file kb)
Suited for Spacewalking: (pdf file 6.02 Mb)
Water purification for the ISS: (pdf file kb)
NASA's Student Glovebox: (pdf file 2.23 Mb)
Mars Exploration. Is there water on Mars? (pdf file 4.5 Mb)
Design a mission to Mars: (pdf file 2.71 Mb)
Exploring meteorite mysteries: (pdf file 7 Mb)
Short rocket history: (pdf file 352 kb)
Rocket principles: (pdf file 92 kb)
Bottle rocket: (pdf file 79 kb)
Bottle rocket launcher: (pdf file 88 kb)
Practical rocketry: (pdf file 183 kb)
3-2-1 POP! (pdf file 249 kb)
Altitude tracking: (pdf file 99 kb)
Antacid tablet race: (pdf file 77 kb)
Balloon staging: (pdf file 64 kb)
Paper rockets: (pdf file 315 kb)
Rocket car: (pdf file 177 kb)
Newton car: (pdf file 170 kb)
Rocket transportation: (pdf file 82 kb)
Other sites
Classroom of the Future web site
We very much appreciate the possibility
given by NASA to have these modules directly available, as a mirror site, on
the DESC web server and we hope to improve this service in the future.
For additional NASA education modules not listed above you may visit the Spacelink
web site.